ACAT Handbook 1994 Entry

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ACAT3004 Electronics B

A one-hour lecture and a one-hour practical each week in Semester 2.
Prerequisite Satisfactory completion of Electronics A.
Aim To gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical foundations of electronics, and to develop practical skills in analysing and repairing circuits.
Content Physics of electricity: semiconductors, antennas, transmission (advanced) lines, shielding, faraday cages, co-axial lines, balanced twisted pairs.
Electronic systems: motherboards, cardcages, busses.  Electronic communications: serial, parallel, handshaking, standards (e.g. RS232), plugs, sockets, cabling.  AC analysis: steady-state, transient, impedance.
Audio analog circuits: tone generators, modulators, hi-fi amplifiers.
Video analog circuits: pattern generators, modulators, switchers, genlocks, encoders, decoders.
Digital circuits: finite state machines, arithmetic logic units, display controllers.
Assessment Assignments-60%.    Practical project 40%.
Texts Mimms III, EM., Getting Started in Electronics, Radio Shack,1983.
References Chamberlin, H., Musical Applications of Microprocessors, 2nd edn, Hayden Books, 1985.
Horowitz, P, and Hill, W, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press, 1980.
Nilsson, J.W, Electric Circuits, Addison-Wesley, 1983.
Pitt, VH. (ed.), The Penguin Dictionary of Physics, Penguin, 1979.
Rowe, I., Fundamentals of Solid State, Masterprint, 1979. (An Electronics Australia Handbook)
Young, E.C. (ed.), The New Penguin Dictionary of Electronics, Penguin, 1980.