ACAT Handbook 1994 Entry

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ACAT8006 Digital Audio Signal Processing

A one-hour lecture and a one-hour tutorial each week in Semester 2.
Prerequsite Digital Audio Synthesis (ACAT 8007).
Aim To gain a theoretical and practical understanding of the techniques of DSP as applied to sound.
Content DSP theory and application where possible to:
sampling from sources such as microphones and tape recorders
–waveform editing
–spatial manipulation
–effects such as reverberation and delay
Assessment Assignments-100%.
Texts Chamberlin, H., Musical Applications of Microprocessors, 2nd edn, Hayden Books, 1985.
References Appleton, J., and Perera, R. (eds), The Development and Practice of Electronic Music, Prentice-Hall, 1975.
Bateman, W, Introduction to Computer Music, Wiley, 1980.
Computer Music journal
Eargle, J., Sound Recording, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1980.
Strawn, J. (ed.), Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology, William Kaufmann, 1985.

Software and hardware manuals as appropriate.