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Polymedia Event Theatre No. 3 (PET-3)
On Turner Sump - A polymedia enviroEvent
Archive of Natural and Everyday Australian Sounds (ANEAS)
The Atlas of Feathers
Empirical Research

An improved mapping model for data sonification using sound-encoded gestural metrics

  • A method for developing an improved mapping model for data sonification (ICAD 2011). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Auditory Display, Budapest, Hungary, June 24-28, 2011. PDF
  • Towards a better perception of sonic data mappings (ACMA 2010). Australasian Computer Music Conference 2010 June 24-26, Canberra, Australia. PDF
  • Parameter Mapping sonic articulation and the perceiving body (ICAD 2010). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Auditory Display, Washington DC, June 9-15, 2010. PDF