ACAT1001 Computer Animation Practice A
One two-hour tutorial per week for one semester.
To gain practical experience in computer animation, sound for animation and video presentation.
- An introduction to using personal computer for animation.
- An in-depth look at a 2D paint and animation program.
- Practical exercises in story-boar-ding, key-framing, cycles, ease-in and ease-out, squash and stretch, transitions, dynamics, staging, anticipation, exaggeration and expression.
- Examination of animation production techniques, including digital recording and playback of animation by computer, sound synchronisation and video fundamentals.
- Introduction to sound studio techniques, including microphone techniques, multitrack recording and basic equalisation and mixing.
- Practical exercises in musique concrète technique
The first half of the semester will be spent doing short exercises to be presented together in a folio. Students are required to prepare a major work for performance during the last half of the semester.
Folio-20%. Examination performance-80%.
Layboume, K., The Animation Book. Crown Publishers, 1979. |
Speed, A.H., Desktop Video: A Guide to Personal and Small Business Video Production, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanavich, 1988. |
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