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ARTV3004     Sub-Major 4: Computer Animation

Six hours per week for one semester.

Sub-Major 3

To critically examine the history and aesthetics of the electronic arts and the roles they play in the arts, the sciences and society at large.

The content will be decided by the class according to the group's interests and skills.

Animation Seminar: Analysis of the compositional and algorithmic techniques used in computer animation, with emphasis on perceptual and aesthetic characteristics, including fractals, particle systems, behavioural and procedural modelling.

Algorithmic Animation
Advanced algorithmic animation techniques:

  • free form deformation
  • behavioural modelling
  • cellular automata
  • physical dynamics modeling
  • organic animation (including facial).

Computer Animation Practice:
A major piece, which may be a work on video, a live computer performance or an interactive environment. This may also be a group piece with other animators and composers.



Em, D., The Art of David Em, Harry N. Abrams, 1988.
Franke, H.W., Computer Graphics: Computer Art, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
Goodman, C., Digital Visions: Computers and Art. Harry N. Abrams, 1987.
Katsui, M., and Kawahara, T. (eds), World Graphic Design Now, Kodansha, 1989.
Kawaguchi, Y, Growth Morphogenesis, JICC, 1985.
Loveless, R.L., The Computer Revolution and the Arts, University of South Florida Press, 1989.
Whitney J.H. Digital Harmony: On the Complementarity of Music and Visual Art, Byte Books/McGraw Hill, 1980.


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