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In geometry, a geodesic is the shortest arc joining two points on a curved surface.

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Avatar Space Design

Why Domes?

Strength and Scaleability
Geodesic structural spaceframes ("spaceframes" for short) are known for their strength and scalability. 3D triangular faceted structures provide the opportunity to enclose a maximum volume of free space (no internal poles or columns) with a minimum surface area. This enables an economy of materials as well as minimising inside-outside weather energy transference.

Tension and Compression
The use of tension-compression equilibria in such spaceframe structures means that, unlike traditional (compression) building techniques which rely on increased mass for stability and size, height as well as volume can be achieved with a minimum of materials.

How much does your house weigh? Whilst mass is related the the cost of all buildings, it is even more important when that building needs to be transportable. The efficiencies that geodesics afford lead to light, strong structures which can be easily and efficiently moved without damage. Sometimes this is possible do do this whilst they remain erected.

Although the number of applications of portable spaceframes is very large, special skills are required for their design and construction - expertise more often found in boat—building than in the housing industry. Our comprehensive
consultation and design service ensures that all your needs are considered in designing a space which meets your requirements, not matter how exacting.

Our Domes
o Come in many shapes and sizes—designed & manufactured to accommodate a wide variety of requirements,

o Can span large heights and distances without the need for internal support,

o Are frequently the most economical structures. By enclosing the maximum amount of space using a minimum surface, they are efficient in their use materials and energy. They are thus environment-friendly.

o Will not collapse. They are safer than normal buildings in extreme environments.

o Have a wide variety of uses, including portable exhibitions, trade fairs, conferences, entertaining, disaster-relief shelters, aircraft protection, swimming pool enclosures, gazebos, bird aviaries, playgrounds, and the list goes on!

o Look fantastic!

© Avatar Space Designs

last update: March 2003